SCFF: Barbarian Invasion 野蛮人入侵

SCFF: Barbarian Invasion 野蛮人入侵, 2022

7.0 2022.04.30上映
no info Mandarin,Cantonese,Malay(Sub: English,Chinese) Drama
The 24th Shanghai Film Festival Golden Goblet Awards Jury Grand Prix 第24届上海国际电影节金爵奖评委会大奖 The story is about Moon Lee who is a celebrated award-winning actress and has become a full-time mom and divorcée since retiring. Desperate to regain her sense of self, she jumps at the chance to work with her long-time collaborator, director Roger Woo, again. Only this time, he casts her as the lead in a do-your-own stunts martial arts film. The role requires extensive training and although Moon is at first uncertain, she leaves her young son in the care of Roger’s assistant and commits herself to back-breaking training. As soon as she starts to gain some confidence, Roger breaks the news to her: the only way the film can move ahead is to cast her ex-husband, Julliard, as the male lead. 息影10年的失婚女星李圆满,获导演好友邀请复出主演犹如《叛谍追击》的动作惊悚片。武术训练困难重重,更难受是男主角人选竟是前夫。决定罢演前夕,儿子突遭绑架,她以一己之力还击,却被匪帮打至重伤。大难不死却失掉身份记忆,幸得网吧店主相助,展开自我寻索的旅程。云集一众独立电影人才,大马电影新浪潮领军人物陈翠梅首次自编自导自演,个人与角色融为一体,以生活淬炼成一场电影,完成对自我的重新塑造,获上海国际电影节金爵奖评委会大奖。 • Not eligible for any discounts and/or vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.